Healing occurs in YOU, I am merely a stimulator of your energies!
In our sessions we shall first have a conversation, in which I can find out, which kind of treatment is best for you, then I will walk you through the process, then the session begins and lasts
between half an hour and two and a half hours.
My education in the energetic arts is based on my sincere bodyworkexperience as a dancer, martial artist, acrobat, yogi and the following certifications:
Reiki Mastergrade, Lomi Lomi basic practioner and hapai (pregnancy treatment),
basic core Shamanism, shaman Medicine Wheel.
Furthermore I have studied the following fields for several years in private:
Pressure points and meridians from TCM,
Tantric and Tao body and massage works,
Treatments for athletes and sport injuries.
My personal style has fused all my knowledge to a very efficient treatment both for emergencies and energethic rehabilitation.
It is called HEA or KUNDALEL and very related to the philosophy of my bodywork. We are not bound to a studio, oil or a massage table, but I can provide them, if needed.
However, I am not a doctor or psychotherapist and my very intuitive tratments can not have the same results as these academic fields, nor can I promise healing under any circumstances.. this can
not be promised by any healer. But I can guarantee a very helpful accompaniment in the whole healing process.
Cases in which my treatments were successfull: pain in the back, athletic injuries, need for energy and motivation, need for touch& warmth, blockages in sexuality, blockages in
relationships, soft depressions, fatigue, headaches, lack of love..
These were singular events, but it is worth a tryout!