What is Reiki?

.) "Healing" with your hands ?

.) An effective tool for doctors, assistants,mothers & fathers ?

.) a spirtual path?

.) a physical paradox?

.) a mindtechnique that works, even if you do not believe  

    in it? 

This seminar answers all the questions above, and teaches practical techniques to make use of the "universal life force" for yourself and others!

Interested ? CONTACT ME

All Elements Athletics aka AEA or KUNDALELA

This is my body&mind workout, that I have developed over 15 years! it only takes 21 days to learn the principles and incorporate them into your daily routine! Once you have them, you can do the exercises  ANYTIME& ANYPLACE!

They will keep you fit, let you find your centre and transform bothering emotions into nourishing energy! What better way to start the day?

want...   more infos         you are a group, who want to try it out?  contact me


Are you in a crisis? These tools might help you!


This is a 1-2 Day intensive seminar, in which you will get powerful tools to deal with EMOTIONAL CHALLENGES of your life. These tools are so versatile, they can be used for really every aspect of life: VITALITY, CREATIVITY-SEXUALITY, PROFESSIONALITY, SPIRTUALITY and IDENTITY! 


more infos

NEXT SEMINAR: calendar  book now..... more infos...