NEXT OPEN RITUAL: Octobre 31st 2018 in Niederösterreich, SAMHAIN/HALLOWEEN! wanna join? contact us!
We are all affected by sun, moon, stars and the seasons of the year!
Putting our personal life into synchronicity with the wheel of the year can help us to bring order and orientation into our jobs and family affairs! Thankfully we don' t have to create anything new. The feasts of the year, like Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Summer Solstice- and Autumn-harvest, are already part of our life.... In our Seminars and open Rituals you just get to know the deeper meaning and the older purpose of these feasts that are celebrated in one way or another by almost every nation in this world!
The knowledge comes from european shamanism, but we try to bring as many aspects of the whole world into it as possible, and the best thing... you do not have to be a pagan to enjoy these beautiful cometogethers!
WHEN: 23rd. September 2018
WHERE: Tullnerfeld Lower Austria
We celebrate for what we are thankful for, but we also honour the tradition of "WINE STAMPING":
Every participant brings their GRAPES and we squash them together in a dance, filter the juice and drink it in a beautiful personal ceremony, in which everybody can share their personal thanks with each other.... also we learn how to use the power of GRATITUDE to transform feelings of "not having enough" or "not being enough" into the feeling of ABUNDANCE!
Wanna participate? contact me
This video shows, how we celebrated Lughnasadh at the end of the promo-seminar in lower Austria. We could incorporate all the body&mind techniques into the ceremony thus creating something new on the ground of something ancient.. Mythologically it is the feast, where the golden sun god sacrifices himself to the goddess of the land... the gold of the sun, becomes the gold of the corn and wheat. By burning these fruits in the outside, we find the real harvest in us,... what are you thankful so far in this year?