23rd September Full Harvest Ceremony

A beautiful day on the land! 23rd September is two days after autumn Aequinox which the celts called Alban Elfed! This is date marks the time, when the  the sun and the moon are equally strong, the strong summer god has transformed himself into a child again, and will start crawling back into the womb of the mother, the goddess of night and the dark side of the year...we experience the change from summer half to winter half! 
Winter however is not see as only dark and frighting but also as a shelter for the inner light to grow anew! 
 NOW nevertheless  it is time to harvest everything that was good from this year! 

This what we did during this beautiful fest in Lower Austria! we meditated on our journey to the temple of Heart&Wine; We pressed grapes into juice, and we drank to the harvest of our petsonal development! Friends from the bardic, ovatic and druidic fields joined us!